Start the Journey of Yoga with Akshar Yoga

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As a luscious green tree that spreads its leaves on a day that we need the tree’s shelter the most, yoga too provides to us utmost contentment in an era when we require it the highest. This shelter is a gift to us that not only is the medium to achieve the truth, but also allows us to understand the purpose of our existence.

Yoga has been and continues to be the most powerful evolutionary tool experienced on this planet. One can undergo true transformation when they wholly surrender to the gradual, yet, definitive process that consequently helps them to decipher the real purpose and meaning of one’s own self.

A number of variables such as timely circumstances, a guide, a master or an enlightened spirit correspond together in order to make the budding eligible practitioner to evolve further down this divine road.  Yoga is all that has been and all that will be; it is the scenic rendezvous of both spirit and matter.

Grand Master Akshar, a direct disciple of the Himalayas and following their command to spread the message of Yoga to one and all. He teaches Yoga and they are segregated into three Philosophies.

Akshar Yoga

Akshar yoga , the brainchild of Grand Master Akshar is a philanthropic effort to reconnect all humanity with its quintessential source “The Himalayas” through the divine art form of Yoga.

” If the Himalayas won’t come to you, You must go to the Himalayas”

The resolution of Akshar Yoga is to create a canopy of multiple Yogic practices that aspire to help people burdened by metropolitan life to achieve complete renovation and self improvement in all aspects: Physical, Mental and Spiritual.

Akshar Yoga , meaning “The path to divinity compassed by the seeds of Creation” is the form of Yoga that reaches out to all mankind irrespective of caste , creed or colour under the illuminating guidance of Grand Master Akshar.

It is his humble belief that Yoga belongs to all humanity and humanity must in turn embrace it with open heart and evolve together in harmonious unison.

Akshar Yoga comprises of various yogic practices, namely

Akshar Power Yoga

Akshar Yoga for Corporates

Akshar Yoga Therapeutic Course

Akshar Yoga for Kids

Each catering to specific groups and designed around their requirements and capabilities of which the most popular is Akshar Power Yoga.


  • 50 Yoga Asanas (anatomy, Formation, Practise, Benefits& Perfection)
  • 5 Pranayamas
  • 10 Mudras
  • 3 Forms of SuryaNamaskaras
  • 2 Forms of Chandra Namaskars
  • 3 Formulas
    (Weight Management, Core Muscles & Flexibility)
  • Abhyaas I & II
  • Srimad Bhagavad Gita
  • Chapter 6:10SLokas
  • Yoga Philosophy
    (Origin & its Nature)
  • 2 Meditation Techniques
  • Mantra & Kirtans

Akshar Yoga Level I Teachers Training Certification Program

Akshar Yoga Level II Teachers Training Certification Program


  • 200 Yoga Asanas
    (Anatomy, Formation, Practice, Benefits & Perfection)
  • 10 Pranayamas
  • 20 Mudras
  • 3 Forms of Surya Namaskars
  • 2 Forms of Chandra Namaskars
  • Agni Namaskar & Prithivi Namaskar
  • 3 Formulas
    (Weight Management, Core Muscles & Flexibility)
  • Abhyaas I, II, III
  • Srimad Bhagvad Gita
  • Chapter 6:25 Slokas
  • Yoga Philosophy
    ( Origin & its Nature)
  • 5 Meditation Techniques
  • Mantra, Kirtans, & much more…


    • 200 Yoga Asanas
      (Anatomy, Formation, Practice< Benefits & Perfection)
    • 10 Pranayamas
    • 20 Mudras
    • 3 Forms of Surya Namaskars
    • 2 Forms of Chandra Namaskars
    • Pancha Tattva Namaskar, Ganapati & Shiva Namaskar
    • 3 Formulas
      (Weight Management, Core Muscles & Flexibility)
    • Abhyaas I, II, III, IV & V
    • Srimad Bhagavad Gita
    • Chapter 6:47 Slokas
    • Yoga Philosophy

(Origin & its Nature)

  • 10 Meditation Techniques
  • Mantra, Kirtans, Nritya & much more…..

Akshar Yoga Level III Teachers Training Certification Program

Akshar Power yoga

Akshar Power Yoga is a unique composition by Grand Master Akshar, created by him under the divine guidance of his Masters.

The sole purpose of Akshar Power Yoga is to enhance the human mind,body and spirit through an intricate blend of Various Yogic art forms in order to attain the zenith of human Strength and Power.

Akshar Power Yoga strives to help each individual connect to the power within them in order to achieve the apex of Physical , Mental and Emotional health and wellbeing.

With a vast array of intense Asana series and flows Masterfully designed and internationally acclaimed , Akshar Power Yoga’s Weight loss and Fat loss Programmes are hailed for their magnanimous results in sculpting the Human body.

This form of Akshar Yoga was conceived bearing in mind the fast paced characteristics of the urban lifestyle.

It is the bridge that connects the metropolitan soul to the abode of divinity : ” The Himalayas “.

Akshar Yoga for Corporates

Akshar Yoga Corporate Wellness Course is designed to enhance workplace morale, ensure greater team spirit and cooperation, boost productivity and improve overall performance. Our wellness course helps employees relieve stress and become refreshed and more focused.  Grand Master Akshar specially designed Akshar Yoga Corporate program which perfectly suits to the Corporate environment and culture.

Akshar Yoga Personal Training

Akshar Yoga Personal Training  is  a tailor-made course that perfectly suits your body type and physique.

Once you enroll for the Akshar Yoga personal training course, a senior yoga instructor examines some factors of your daily life such as energy levels, diet and sleeping patterns. After this, a team of head yoga instructors personally design your course, which includes pranayam, yoga and meditation. The head instructors also advise you to follow a certain training routine, you will be given consultation about your training hours, level of intensity and your diet.

This course is specifically made for people who wish to see an effective and healthy transformation in a shorter period of time.

Akshar Yoga Therapeutic Course

Conceptualised and crafted by Grand Master Akshar , Akshar Yoga :Therapeutic , strives to rehabilitate the body and rejuvenate the mind and spirit of individuals suffering from various ailments ranging from physical injuries to lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus.
Akshar Yoga:Therapeutic , is a melodious combination of yogic practices designed to heal the ailing body and tackle the restrictions that hinder its growth and evolution.
Yoga is nourishment to the soul as food is to the body.
Akshar Yoga:Therapeutic intends to help every human being experience the bliss of Yoga.

Ancient Metaphysical Yoga

Once absolute health and happiness is achieved, a practitioner may then begin his endeavour under the vast branch of Ancient Metaphysical yoga. In a nutshell, Ancient Metaphysical Yoga is about ancient tradition of Yoga, Yoga Truth, authentic Yoga, and Metaphysical Powers. Ancient Metaphysical Yoga also helps the chosen practitioner to uncover the confidential enigma of the art itself; it is a coursework through which practitioners who are serious about the art are initiated under the guidance of Divine Masters who originate from the lap of the Himalayas. This process is a Journey through the Self and to the Self in order to receive the power of yoga. The chosen yogi evolves in leaps and bounds with increased practice under the guidance of his Guru to meet the demands that help unriddle the current existence and other dimensional existences; Ancient Metaphysical Yoga gives the practitioner an insight into the astral dimensions. The practitioner comes one step closer to connecting with The Source and begins to understand the deep rooted meanings of life.

Yoga is an art and the mat is a canvas; the special asanas performed under Ancient Metaphysical Yoga requires the use of a unique type of yoga mat. The invocation of these mats is done in the Himalayas; the process includes certain Yantras and specific type of clothes that are to be worn. Every asanas under this branch is explained with greater detail. The said practitioners need to follow the strict command of their guru and undergo plausible changes in their daily routine, including but not limited to dietary shifts that make the body more alkaline and less acidic in nature, changes in relationship dynamics and work related alterations. The most significant result of the Ancient Metaphysical Yoga practice is contentment of the mind, body and soul respectively; the three elements come together as petals of a flower. This course is designed for staunch and ardent practitioners.

To begin your ancient metaphysical yoga journey please contact

Jagannath Yoga

Once a practitioner transforms into a healthy yogi, he is eligible to pursue Jagannath Yoga. A Yogi must surrender to his Guru to obtain the true form of this branch of Yoga; rituals of a few important days are to be staunchly followed by the practitioner. Grand Master Akshar has been bestowed with the wonderful responsibility to spread the message of Bhakthi, Seva and Love toward the Lord of the Universe. It is essential for a yogi to achieve perfect health and happiness in order to gain powers per his potential and begin his blessed journey to serve the Lord of the Universe.

The unwavering motto of a Jagannath Yoga Practitioner is Service, Love and Surrender to the Ultimate Divine Energy.

Yoga Practiced Around the Globe

In a beautiful world like ours, where mankind searches for eternity, questions of self-righteousness, questions of the purity of the soul and their existence. For men who seek answers to such questions, Yoga is the answer.

Yoga denotes “Union” or “Connection”.

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All over the world, yoga is practised in many different forms, the major forms being Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga is named after the eight limbs preached by Maharishi Patanjali in his yoga sutras (scriptures). In this form, practitioners must follow eight steps, namely yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara,dharana,dhyana and Samadhi, to lead towards the realization of God.

Hatha Yoga is another branch of yoga. Hatha means “Force” and yoga means “Union.” Hatha Yoga refers to the practise of physical yoga postures or asanas. Most forms practised in the West, like Power Yoga, can be classified as Hatha Yoga

Yoga asanas are famous all over the world because of its ability to transform a person’s body completely. They can help you gain strength and flexibility to a great extent. It also promotes holistic weightloss.

Not only does yoga constitute the practise of asanas, but also pranayama and meditation. Pranayama is the regulation of breath. Prana means “breath” or “life force”. The regulation of breath has innumerable benefits. It has proven to cure and heal many diseases. It can also increase the longevity of life.

Meditation brings balance to life and relieves stress. It also helps a person evolve spiritually and mentally.

Prescribed mantras, chanted by a healthy person, alters a person’s aura to make them feel and be a more positive person. It relievestheir stress, helps them evolve spiritually and booststheir energy.

The first main benefit which yoga provides is holistic health. It increases the number of years you live a healthy and energetic life. It boosts immunity and keeps all the organs healthy and strong.

Yoga used for healing comes under YogChikitsa. The combination of asana, pranayama, chanting and meditation is advantageous in strengthening the immunity of a person and driving awayalmost any disease. It can treat and heal thyroid, diabetes, blood pressure, and almost any other ailment.

There are many yoga asanas to heal back pain. Not only do these asanas heal the back, but also strengthen it to prevent any future injuries from taking place.

Practising asana flows and a certain set of pranayama techniques is very effective in combating hypothyroid and hyperthyroid.

There is nothing as good as yoga for weight management. Regular practise of weight management formula, a certain set of asanas and pranayama can help a person lose weight holistically, even without leaving stretch marks on the body. Yoga also brings a glow on the face of the person who has lost weight.

There are various reasons why people seek to join a yoga class. Flexibility, Weight management, Stress relief, health, spirituality are some of the many reasons.

Yoga classes are fast spreading to every nook and corner of the world. Most yoga classes teach a combination of power yoga, hatha vinyasa and ashtangavinyasa flows. Some well-known yoga institutes also provide many levels of teacher training courses.

When we go through sufferings and depression, we tend to lose the power to think straight. Our minds fail to focus on the finer aspects of life. The solution to such a problem is a Yoga Retreat, where not only does the mind come at ease, but also helps an individual to think straight and develop a clearer perspective of life. It’s a great way to detach digitally and detox. It also is great in replacing unhealthy habits with more constructive habits.

Himalayas is the birthplace of yoga. Yoga was spread all over the world by many missionaries. It can be observed that the yoga practised all over the world focuses more on asana practise. The rate of the number of people joining a yoga class every year is increasing at a high rate in most countries of the world.

Why is yoga spreading worldwide? Because yoga can help a person realize the purpose to their life. Many people started practising yoga to find relief from the stress of modern life. Yoga goes beyond the one or two hours spent on a yoga mat. Yoga is a way of life.

The sales of yoga accessories and yoga mats have increased manifold times over the years. Yoga mats are so extensively used because they prevent hands and legs from slipping during a yoga practise.

Annually, the number of people registering to become a yoga teacher is increasing at a very high rate.

A yoga teacher understands the anatomy of a human body and alters each class according to the different type of bodies which enter class. Each human body’s anatomy is different.

Yoga is practised in large numbers in India. In India, more significance is given to the spiritual aspect of yoga than the physical aspect. Many people from all over the world come to India to learn yoga from the place of its origin.

The 21st of June is annually celebrated and observed by millions all over the world as The International Yoga Day. On this day, millions of people gather to spread love and harmony through the practice of yoga asanas and pranayama.

There also are a large number of yoga videos found on YouTube. Online yoga videos and classes are a very popular form of teaching and learning yoga from well-known yoga teachers.

Words are always less to describe how important yoga is. It leads to a healthier, happier and a more sustainable world as a whole. Yoga promotes harmony and compassion. More of love and less of hate is always beneficial to the maintenance of peace in the world.


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