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Back Pain को ठीक करने के लिये 3 सरल Yoga Aasan ।। with Grand Master Akshar

Shalabasana (Locust Pose) When you are working to heal any back related issues such as lower back pain, stiffness in the back etc., the important thing to note is that you should not be using your back directly. Also when suffering from back pain, avoid putting repeated stress on your back. Doing this can aggravate the condition. Here are three easy postures that can effectively cure your back pain. You can give your back relief by including Twisted Cobra Pose (Triyaka Bhujangasana) in the middle of your practice. To do this lie down flat on your stomach with palms placed under your shoulders. Keep your feet apart, at a distance of about 2ft with outer toes on the ground. Inhale completely (Purak), hold your breath (Kumbakh) as you lift your head, turn to look over your right shoulder at your left heel. Hold the posture for about 10 seconds, turn to the front and exhale as your bring your torso down. Inhale completely (Purak), hold your breath (Kumbakh) as you lift your head, turn to look over your left shoulder at your right heel. Hold the posture for about 10 seconds, turn to the front and exhale as your bring your torso down. After practicing the Shalabasana posture make sure that you wind down with a relaxing pose known as Crocodile Pose or Makarasana. This asana will help you to relax your back and avoid any back related injuries. Practicing Crocodile Pose can also have a very calming effect on the mind bringing relaxation to the entire body after having worked on your back. To get into this posture lie down on your stomach and prop yourself up on your elbows and join them together. Make a cup shape with your palms, and place your chin in between closing your eyes and relax in your face. Practice Locust Pose by lifting up the alternate hand and leg holding the asana for 5 reps and repeat on the other side for 5 breaths. Once the back is suitably warmed up you can attempt to balance on your stomach by lifting up both legs and both hands extending them forward and joining your palms together. Repeat this for up to three sets holding the posture each time for 5 breaths. Shalabasana Formation of the posture: • Lie down flat on your stomach with your palms placed under your thighs • Inhale completely (Purak), hold your breath (Kumbakh) and then lift your legs up together • Ensure that your knees remain straight and feet are together • Place your chin or forehead on the ground • Hold the posture for 10 seconds, slowly bringing your legs down and then exhale breath (Rechak) – This breathing technique is therapeutic

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